Google Analytics is an awesome tool for tracking web analytics in relation to any online marketing campaigns you may be running. But the problem with Google Analytics is that you have to wait a day to review the analytics for the current day. For example, if I wanted to see how much traffic our website has gotten today, I'd have to wait until tomorrow to find out.
Well, now there's a way you can get real time web analytics as it happens. No more waiting around to see which buzz words are driving traffic to your website. No more day late blog posts on time relevant topics you could have optimized your website with a day earlier had you had access to real time results. The solution: We're still playing with it on our end to learn more about its capabilities, but in the meanwhile, you should check it out yourself and let us know what you think about this new tool we recently discovered.
Happy Friday everyone, and have a good weekend!
Free Basketball Analysis by Dr. Bob
10 years ago